
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

4 months

Theo turned 4 months old today. Lately, he's been:
  • eating nonstop and gaining lots of weight,
  • laughing (This morning, he laughed at me when I stuck out my tongue. Baby humor!),
  • grasping things and trying to put them in his mouth,
  • rolling over from his stomach to his back, and
  • lifting his head and chest up during his tummy time. :)

Today also happened to be the inauguration of the 44th United States President. Theo watched in contentment.

Happy four months, baby!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Theo's holiday greetings

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted! I guess that our two fun weeks visiting family in Utah and Nevada got in the way of my baby blogging. :)

I meant to post a copy of the holiday cards we sent out this year before Christmas. There are two different ones because we didn't order enough cards at first, so I ordered a different set for the second batch.

Here they are. Enjoy!